This is a very rewarding way to give back to the club and get the most out of Junior Surf alongside your child.
You don’t need to be a lifeguard; training is given as well as comprehensive coaching guides.
There are always multiple coaches per age group so you work as a team, and means each coach doesn’t need to attend every session if you have other commitments.
For more information or to put your name down to help, please email juniorsurf@papamoalifeguards.co.nz

If you are not comfortable coaching the kids, every week we require lots of parents and caregivers to help in the water to ensure we meet adult to child ratios.
This usually involves standing in the water (up to hip or waist height) or counting children in and out of the water.
We encourage every parent/caregiver to come to Junior Surf prepared to get wet in suitable swimwear such as togs and a wetsuit, so you can jump in and help when asked by the coaches.

Parent help to set up for Junior Surf on a Sunday morning is always welcome. This involves putting the age group flags up, as well as setting up the flag pits and sprint tracks.
At the end of Junior Surf, all equipment such as body boards and kneeboards as well as flags and cones need to be packed away.
Get the hose out, help the kids learn how to clean the gear, so by the time they are competing, they can do it themselves!

Each week one of the age groups runs the Junior Surf BBQ. This usually runs from around 10.30am - 12pm.
Sausages and bread are provided, you just need to rock up, turn on the BBQ and get cooking!!
Keep an eye on the Junior Surf Facebook Group Page for updates on when your age group is scheduled to run the BBQ or email juniorsurf@papamoalifeguards.co.nz to offer your support.