Our Sponsors
The Pāpāmoa Surf Life Saving Club is so grateful for all our sponsors. With their ongoing support we are able to patrol the beach, keep our community safe and provide our athletes and lifeduards with specialised equipment to train and compete. Thank you to you all.
CLICK HERE to view our Sponsorship Terms & Conditions.
GJ Gardner
Guild and Spence
Legacy Trust
Mitre 10 Pāpāmoa
Pak N Save Pāpāmoa
Body in Motion
CMT Excavations
EVES Realty
Palm Springs Residential Development
Fulton Swim School Pāpāmoa
Palmers Bethlehem
Pāpāmoa Rotary Club
Friendly Manager
Interested in Sponsoring?
Fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.