A Family Affair

1 Jul

Most members of the PSLSC will have heard the name Bowling around the club as this is a family who spend much of their free time involved in club activities. Parents Mat and Celia, along with their children Sophie and Toby are all active members of the club and show how many different roles there are for families to join in.


14 year old Sophie and 12 year old Toby were both hooked as soon as they started Junior Surf aged 8 and 6. “We moved over from Hamilton in 2017 to be closer to the beach and one of the first things we did was sign them up to Junior Surf on Sundays to teach them water safety,” says Mat.


Sophie spent four years in the Oceans programme making close friendships with other clubbies, competing for Pāpāmoa and improving her skills. Last summer she turned 14 and qualified as a new lifeguard. She did a handful of patrols in between carnivals and a few months later completed her IRB crewpersons. “As parents we think it’s such an amazing environment for our children,” says Celia. “Becoming a lifeguard teaches the kids practical life skills, first aid, CPR and importantly having to keep an eye out for others safety.”


Toby has just completed his second year in the Oceans Programme and both kids are currently doing Pool Rescue through winter. “Toby loves competing with his friends, spends half the summer on a kneeboard or a surfboard and next year will join Rookies to begin his journey towards becoming a lifeguard in a couple of years,” says Mat. “His highlight last season was winning a couple of gold medals at Oceans with his mates in the Board Relay and Grand Cameron.”


Parents Mat and Celia are not just along for the ride. It wasn’t long before Celia jumped in to be a Junior Surf Coach and joined the committee. As the kids moved into the Oceans Athletes Programme, Celia moved across to the Oceans Committee and always puts her hand up to manage one of the age groups at carnivals. And it doesn’t end there. Celia has competed with the masters team in Pool Rescue and spent many nights helping out behind the bar at the club and is a constant uber driver over summer.


Many of you may not know that Mat has been Director of Finance on the PSLSC Board for the last two years and is hoping to continue this into the future. “It’s a great opportunity to bring skills developed over a 20 year career in banking and finance to the club in a governance capacity. My focus is to make sure the club is in a strong financial position into the future and we maintain and preserve the new building in great condition,” he says. After many hours on the beach watching the kids, Mat has decided to have a go at surf ski and has even jumped in the pool for the Masters Pool Rescue team.


“Nothing beats time spent outdoors in nature, getting fit, hanging out with friends, competing in team sports, learning life skills and providing such an important service for our community,” says Mat. “We are looking forward to the early season highlight which is the Oceans camp where we get to meet all the new Oceans kids and their parents and make new connections with other clubbies. We can’t wait to next summer with many hours spent on the beach cheering on our kids and admiring their courage as they do their best for Pāpāmoa.”

Thank you Bowling family for everything you do for the club and for being part of the Pāpāmoa whānau.