Happy Summer Everyone!

1 Dec

December 1st is the first day of summer and a great opportunity to remind ourselves of how to stay safe at the beach.

If you are going to the beach, please choose a lifeguarded one and swim between the red and yellow flags. It is the safest place to swim - especially on a surf beach. Click here for details of lifeguard patrol hours at Papamoa beach.

Here are some key tips for keeping safe at the beach this summer:

SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS – this is the safest place to swim and our lifeguards always have eyes on this area.

BE AWARE OF THE DANGERS – check for rips and currents, snags and rocks.

RELAX, RAISE & RIDE - if you find yourself caught in a rip, Relax and float to conserve your energy, Raise your hand to signal for assistance, Ride the rip until it stops and you can make your way back to shore.

CHAT TO LIFEGUARDS - we’re more than happy to point out dangers or give advice.

KEEP CHILDREN WITHIN ARMS REACH WHEN IN THE WATER - adults, not older children or teenagers, should always supervise children around water.

KNOW YOUR LIMITS – don’t overestimate your ability or under estimate the conditions - if in doubt, stay out.

DON'T SWIM ALONE – remember you will never be able to swim in the ocean as well as in a pool and cold water will make you tired.

BE SUNSMART – and stay hydrated.

DIAL 111 - if in trouble and there are no lifeguards around, the Police have a direct line to call our lifeguard squads.