Record Beach Ed Numbers

3 Jul

We had almost 2000 Pāpāmoa kids attend the Beach Education Programme (Beach Ed) last summer. Run by qualified lifeguards, the interactive sessions are a fun way for our kids to learn how to be safe in and around the ocean, as well as learn how to spot and escape from rip currents.

Beach Ed is booked through Surf Life Saving New Zealand (SLSNZ) and kids come with their school during school hours. Bookings for the 2023/2024 season are NOW OPEN. Beach Ed sessions are booked by the school, but we’d encourage all parents to ask their schools if they have it on their agenda for next summer.

New Zealand has the ninth longest coastline of any nation in the world at nearly 15,000km in length. During the last 10 years, New Zealand has had a 44% higher beach and coastal drowning rate per capita, compared to Australia. Sadly, over the last 10 years, 38% of beach and coastal drownings occurred at a surf beach in NZ. Nearly three in 10 kiwis cannot swim or float in the ocean for more than a few minutes.

We can help to reverse these trends by teaching our kids as early as possible about the dangers of the water and how to be safe at the beach and around rivers and lakes.

For more information CLICK HERE or email: